Smartwatch Smartband 4fit blood pressure 4 fit heart rate smart watch jam Harga Rp 198.000

December 10, 2019

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Smartwatch Smartband 4fit blood pressure 4 fit heart rate smart watch jam

New Smartwatch 4-Fit 4Connect

Update Lift Wrist To Activate Band (Melihat Tampilan Jam Tanpa Menyentuh Layar, Cukup Dimiringkan Posisi Tangan, Kerenn)

- Update Notifikasi Socmed Lebih Beragam (Line/WA/Kakao Talk/Instagram/Facebook/dll)
- Update Sistem Lebih Stabil
- Update Membaca isi pesan Whatsapp
- Update Fitur GPS dan konek ke Google Fit (Versi Terdahulu / Versi Murah Belum Update GPS Tracker)

Upgrade Exclusive Box Cocok Untuk Kado / Door Prize Acara Kantor

Ready Warna
- Hitam
- Merah
- Biru
- hitam abu-abu
- hitam hijau
- hitam merah
- merah hitam
tulis warna yang di inginkan di catatan ya

Fitur :
Pengukur jarak langkah
Notifikasi sms/telpon/socmed
Pengukur kalori
Pengukur denyut jantung
Pengukur tekanan darah
Shake Camera Shutter
Anti lost
GPS dan Koneksi Google Fit


Record the number of steps, calories, mileage, sleep duration, sleep depth Measurement of heart rate, blood pressure, blood oxygen, fatigue values Call, SMS, WA, QQ, WeChat, Facebook, twitter and other news alerts Alarm clock, find the hand ring, hand-shining screen, the whole point of measurement

Packing list: bracelet body, wrist strap, charging wire, manual

Silicone tape + PC case Charging: Contact charging Screen
size: 0.66 inches
Battery: 80 mA
Waterproof: IP67
Bracelet size: 50mm * 24mm * 11.6mm
Wrist strap size: 235mm * 24mm * 11.6mm
Operation: single touch
Link phone mode: Bluetooth 4.0 Device support IOS version 8.0 and above and supports Bluetooth 4.0 devices.
Android 4.4 and above and supports Bluetooth 4.0 devices.

Smartwatch Smartband 4fit blood pressure 4 fit heart rate smart watch jam dijual oleh Accimport sebagai Pedagang Besar dari Jakarta Barat, DKI Jakarta

Kategori : Smartwatch, Handphone, Smartwatch,

Harga : Rp 198.000

Cek Diskon

Smartwatch Smartband 4fit blood pressure 4 fit heart rate smart watch jam

Smartwatch Smartband 4fit blood pressure 4 fit heart rate smart watch jam

Tags : Smartwatch, Smartband, blood, pressure, heart, smart, watch, 4fit band, 4fit, 4fit-gen v2.0, 4fit smartband, 4fit sb1, 4fit gen v2, 4fit gen 2, 4fit smart bracelet, 4fit smartwatch, 4fit 4connect, bloods, blood, blood cancer, blood rivals apk, blood rivals, blood sweat and tears, blood money, bloody mary, blood rivals mod apk, blood diamond

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